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My eBook Mastering Success was born from one of my most challenging times in being a business owner. My dreams of owning a business were different from most people I would assume. It wasn’t about being rich or having nice things, because you can work hard and become rich and have nice things. My dreams were to be successful and what that looked like to me was making my family, loved ones, individuals I serviced, employees and those connected to me proud. Mastering Success comes with a lot of challenges known and unknown as well as obstacles seen and unseen. Mastering Success is ongoing in life as a parent, as a wife, as a child, as a friend, as a daughter etc. All these titles contribute to Mastering Success in my opinion. I have a path to lead and one day leave behind. I call my biggest challenge and one of my best lessons “The Payback” My husband and I were faced with a payback to current and former employees for unpaid overtime wages. We did not educate ourselves on this matter and were misinformed. Those two things cost us $625,000 dollars and could have cost us our business and much more. I never thought I’d say this, but I am happy for that very hard and costly lesson. “The Payback” taught us both that obstacles and challenges will continue to come and in order to face them you must remember your dreams, your vision, your goals, your path and continue to put things in place and be willing to learn from your mistakes and educate yourself. You will be trying to Master your Success forever in anything you do in life, not only as a business owner. Most importantly put God first and everything else your heart desires will follow even in your darkest times you will see a light.


Georgiana Smith CEO MHA BA

Mastering Success


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